Energy performance certificate (EPC) recommendation report

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1 The Avenue KIDSGROVE ST7 1AD
13 September 2031

Energy rating and EPC

This property’s energy rating is D.

For more information on the property’s energy performance, see the EPC for this property.


Changes that may pay for themselves within 3 to 7 years
Recommendation Potential impact on carbon emissions
Some solid walls are poorly insulated - introduce or improve internal wall insulation. Medium
Changes that may pay for themselves in over 7 years
Recommendation Potential impact on carbon emissions
Consider installing an air source heat pump. High
Additional recommendations
Recommendation Potential impact on carbon emissions
Replace single glazing with doubled glazed windows Medium

Property and report details

Report issued on
14 September 2021
Total useful floor area
39 square metres
Building environment
Heating and Natural Ventilation
Calculation tool
CLG, iSBEM, v5.6.b, SBEM, v5.6.b.0

Assessor’s details

Assessor’s name
Mr Stephen Gater
07929 242353
Employer’s name
SMG Consultancy
Employer’s address
<insert Employer/Trading Address>
Assessor ID
Assessor’s declaration
The assessor is not related to the owner of the property.
Accreditation scheme
Elmhurst Energy Systems Ltd

Other reports for this property

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