Energy performance certificate (EPC)

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Secrets Beauty Salon
4-6 High Street
ST10 1AF

Energy rating


14 October 2019


Property type
Primary health care buildings
Total floor area
179 square metres

Rules on letting this property

Properties can be let if they have an energy rating from A+ to E.

You can read guidance for landlords on the regulations and exemptions.

Energy rating and score

This property’s energy rating is E.

Energy efficiency chart This property’s energy rating is E with a score of 101. Properties get a rating from A+ to G and a score. Rating E is for a score of 101 to 125. The ratings and scores are as follows from best to worst. Rating A+ is for a score below zero. Rating A is for a score of zero to 25. Rating B is for a score of 26 to 50. Rating C is for a score of 51 to 75. Rating D is for a score of 76 to 100. Rating E is for a score of 101 to 125. Rating F is for a score of 126 to 150. Rating G is for a score over 150. Net zero CO2

Properties get a rating from A+ (best) to G (worst) and a score.

The better the rating and score, the lower your property’s carbon emissions are likely to be.

How this property compares to others

Properties similar to this one could have ratings:

If newly built
40 B
If typical of the existing stock
72 C

Breakdown of this property’s energy performance

Main heating fuel
Natural Gas
Building environment
Heating and Natural Ventilation
Assessment level

Who to contact about this certificate

Contacting the assessor

If you’re unhappy about your property’s energy assessment or certificate, you can complain to the assessor who created it.

Assessor’s name
Nigel Maus
01785 602668 + 07813 557215

Contacting the accreditation scheme

If you’re still unhappy after contacting the assessor, you should contact the assessor’s accreditation scheme.

Accreditation scheme
Assessor’s ID
01455 883 250

About this assessment

Home Inspector Service
Employer address
Parkfield Business Centre, Park Street, Stafford, Staffs ST17 4AL
Assessor’s declaration
The disclosure code provided is not valid
Date of assessment
13 October 2009
Date of certificate
15 October 2009

Other certificates for this property

If you are aware of previous certificates for this property and they are not listed here, please contact us at or call our helpdesk on 020 3829 0748 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

There are no related certificates for this property.